Join us For The M-Powered 7 Day
Mindfulness Meditation Challenge

Designed for busy Parent Leaders - beginners or as a refresher!

“I admire how strong you both are and how mastering mindfulness has helped you to weather so many storms
A Hendrinks

Do you have a go-to Life Kit?


In a world that’s becoming more unpredictable every day, we all need a life kit to help us maneuver the waves!

We’re talking about making sure you’ve got the tools and go-to practices that can serve as a “surfboard” to help you “manage the waves” of life’s constant challenges. 

 This 7-Day Mindfulness Meditation Challenge offers just that! 

 We all experience difficulty. What makes the difference is the tools and practices that help us get through them!

How this Program Can Change Your Life

In just 7 days, you’ll increase your resourcefulness by practicing mind-training exercises to help you build skills in The 5 Most Fundamental Personal Powers Mindfulness Has To Offer: 

The Power of the Breath

Learn how to tap in to deeper levels of relaxation, release tension in the mind and body, and find more calm and stillness.

The Power of Awareness

Learn how to sink in to a quality of presence that allows you to see life more clearly, uncovering valuable insights and gaining greater clarity on the issues and areas of your life that are most important to you…even things you may not yet be aware of.

The Power of Mastering the Mind

The difference between misery and happiness is where you choose to put your attention. Mastering the mind is about learning how to gain command of your attention, weed out the unhelpful habitual thought patterns, and focus on the powerful thoughts that will allow you to create the reality you want for your life.

The Power of Emotional Mastery

With hard times comes hard emotions. We believe that emotional mastery is essential in learning how to direct your emotional states by increasing your emotional literacy and rewiring old emotional patterns making your emotions work for you.

The Power of Loving Kindness + Compassion

Build the tools to significantly improve the quality of your relationships by learning how to love yourself and others with a more open heart and increased resourcefulness.

 “I really enjoyed tapping into my greater self and taking control of my conscious mind through the techniques I learnt with Rain and Sky. Mindfulness needs to be our #1 priority in today’s world and Rain and Sky can get you there”

A. Blake
I Need This In My Life >>

What’s Included:

Brain-Based Implementation Plan
A step-by-step guide for how to cultivate a daily meditation practice.
Daily Guided Meditations
7 guided meditations to help you build your skills in the 5 core personal powers of mindfulness.
Journal Prompts
A daily journal prompt and intention to encourage mindful action and practical integration into your life!

a Free Bonus “Mindfulness and Emotional Mastery Books for Kids” A guide containing 20 of the best recommended books on mindfulness and emotional mastery for kids aged 3 and up 💜

I'm IN >>
 These meditations have been life changing! My desire for personal development has always been there. Sky and Rain do a great job of holding space for you as you walk through this really exciting self growth”

C. Racho

Perfect for the busy parent leader


As a parent leader balancing the two roles of being a parent and also being a boss, the enormity of responsibilities, the stress and overwhelm can often feel unbearable. 

 But it doesn’t have to be that way.  

Mindfulness practices have been proven to expand our capacity to more effectively manage and tolerate stress.

What we’re offering you is: 

An opportunity to feel more connected with yourself, to feel more grounded despite the increased level of uncertainty and chaos around you 

The ability to learn how to tap in to a sense of calm and ease despite whatever is going on in our life. 

Mind-training techniques to learn how to regulate and manage your emotions (which can be so much more difficult when we’re stressed)

I'm Ready For More Calm


It’s a difficult time to be a parent leader and as caregivers, we often don’t take the time to invest and pour into ourselves. 

What would a life with more calm and ease be like for you? The benefits of mindfulness are mind blowing!

Some of the most successful, purposeful and grounded people in the world practice mindfulness, and now, we’re making mindfulness more accessible to any and everyone who wants access to it!!

We’ve created this simple, self-paced 7-Day Mindfulness Challenge for you to do in your own time, at your own pace, whenever, wherever you want! 

 A brain-based implementation plan

7 meditations providing skill building in the 5 Powers of Mindfulness

 Daily journal prompts to encourage mindful action and practical application in your life 

And because we know how busy you are, we’ve structured this program to be less than 15 minutes per day. 

 Get immediate access to these online tools and techniques that will help you stress less and live more allowing you to better connect with yourself, your kids, your team, loved ones and colleagues.

 If you’re ready to jumpstart your mindfulness practice in just 7 days, join us for only $44.00, and start your mindfulness journey today!!


Get Immediate Access

“Mindfulness has brought more harmony, groundedness and joy to parenthood for me. I feel more effective as a Mom and experience less conflict and resistance with my daughter Noa. Most importantly, Mindful parenting has enabled me to have a greater connection with not just my daughter, but myself too.“

~Rain Jarrett

So, if it’s a “heck yes”, join us for only $44.00 and start your mindfulness journey today.

Wondering If This Program Is For You? It’s Either A HECK YES Or A HECK NO!

  • Are you serious about becoming a calmer, more relaxed version of yourself?

  • Are you ready to start responding differently to the stress and chaos of your busy life?

  • Are you looking for ways to start parenting mindfully to enable you to increase your parent-child connection?

  • Have you tried meditating and /or other forms of contemplative practices but haven’t been successful in sustaining your efforts?

  • Are you interested in starting or deepening your mindfulness practice? 

  • Are you ready to feel more resourceful, more resilient, better equipped to deal with the challenges of life?

If You Answered Yes To Most Of The Questions Above, Then It’s A HECK YES!

I'm Ready For More Calm

Still have questions? Check out our Q&As below:

Sky Jarrett

Sky Jarrett is a Transformational Leadership Coach and Mindfulness Instructor helping parent leaders stress less and live more! With combined expertise in brain-science, mindfulness, and leadership effectiveness, Sky supports her clients in cultivating the skills to unlock deep, life-changing personal transformation.

Having travelled the world supporting and speaking to corporate leaders, and community members across Europe, Asia, North America, the Caribbean, and Latin America for clients like Google, Enterprise, Carnival Cruise Line, Blue Cross Blue Shield, hp, and others, Sky has made it her life work to continue spreading her expertise, life lessons, and the gifts of mindfulness beyond the corporate walls.

Sky believes in living a life of meaning… one that leaves an imprint in the hearts, minds, and souls of the parent leaders she is honored to serve.

Rain Jarrett

Rain is a professor and subject matter expert on social and emotional learning & development, inclusion and diversity, mindful parenting, and mindfulness in schools.

With over 10 years of experience in the classroom Rain has extensive knowledge and specialized expertise in curriculum design & instruction in the areas of culture, race relations, sex, and gender. Being a parent, educator and certified mindfulness instructor has allowed Rain to cultivate a unique understanding of learning and development and applies her own mindful parenting tools in her daily life.  

Rain is passionate about spreading mindfulness to the lives of parent leaders, arming children and parents with the skills to build resilience and navigate life’s challenges. Rain strongly believes that by focusing on building resilience and creating more harmony in their life, people are able to have more positive experiences, live fuller lives and truly step into their greatness!